It's here! It's finally here!
We are officially announcing WriteHive Lite, our newest and most ambitious project yet!
In April 2020, we tackled writing conventions, aiming to destroy the barriers between the people putting on conventions and the people attending them. We wanted to host a virtual event available to anyone with an Internet connection. And we wanted to prove that we could do it strictly with volunteers, on a crowdfunded budget, and totally for free.
Not only did we succeed--we crushed it. WriteHive 2020 set records for writing convention attendance (in-person and virtual). People all over the globe showed up (and continue to check out the archives every day), learned from amazing industry professionals, and helped us create a writing community like nothing seen before.
But WriteHive 2020 did more than set records. It also inspired us to reach higher.
So we did. Now, we're tackling another long-standing writing tradition: writing retreats.
Traditionally, writing retreats have been rather exclusive events. For one, they're usually very expensive, which locks out a bunch of people that could benefit from them. And for another, they're dreadfully inconvenient, usually taking place in some isolated forest cabin, cruise ship, or expensive hotel. Setting aside a weekend is hard enough, but getting to these places can be even harder.
And that sucks, because writing retreats can be immensely helpful for improving craft, making new friends, and getting some rare, one-on-one time with people that can take your writing to the next level. They offer a welcome break from society, a chance to rekindle your passion for writing, and the opportunity to make great strides toward finishing that pesky WIP.
Writing retreats should be inclusive experiences. They should be accessible to everyone.
Now, they will be.
WriteHive Lite is a weekend-long virtual writing convention. It'll take place online, 3-4 October 2020, in a special place we're setting up just for the occasion. It'll feature public spaces to chat with fellow retreat-goers and learn from real-life, professional editors. Importantly, it'll also feature private spaces where you can settle into your writing. We've got systems in place that will allow your editor to peek in on you, check on your progress, and watch you write in real-time--not only to ensure you're actually getting the work done, but to help you make it truly shine.
We've got a number of editors lined up. Each of them will take on teams of ten writers each. Over the course of the weekend, they'll provide group and personal instruction, helping you stick to your goals and tap into your talent.
You'll be able to work directly with them in a way you might not normally be able to afford, and you'll able to do so from the comfort of your own home. No long flights. No missing the kids. No special medical factors to consider.
WriteHive Lite will be totally, 100% free.
Because of the nature of this event, space will be limited. We only have so many editors, and we can only ask them to take on ten people each. So if you're interested in this event, we recommend you sign up right now. You'll find the sign-up form below. Please be prepared to complete the application and undergo a short interview at a later time.
Application is open to everyone, but we need to ensure you're prepared to work come 3-4 October. Our editors and our staff are putting this on for free. Your dedication won't just help you--it'll make our effort worth it, too.
We are SO EXCITED to bring you this opportunity. We've been working hard to make it the best experience it can be, and we know you're going to love it.
If you want to take your skills to new heights, meet some awesome new writer friends, and take part in making history, click here to sign-up for WriteHive Lite! Please follow all instructions carefully.
Good luck, and we can't wait to see you at the retreat!
Buzz buzz,
The WriteHive Team