WriteHive 2020
Sponsored Artist Scholarship Winner

cassandra stubbs
wIP - siren daughter
This is our crowning achievement.
At WriteHive, we aimed to make a convention that was inclusive of all people, all over the world. We believe neither sex, gender identity, race, creed, sexual preference, nor finance should be barriers between people and their dreams. It's why we put on the convention in the first place.
Our Sponsored Artist Program is a beautiful example of that idea taken to its utmost.
Over six months, donors from Ko-Fi and Patreon pooled together hundreds of dollars, to be given to an author in need. We had tons of applicants, each of whom sent in amazing applications, query letters, and manuscript pages. Our admin team whittled down those applicants to three top finalists. Then, our Patrons voted on the winner (after all, it's their money, right?).
Cassandra now has $523.38 to spend on whatever services she needs to publish her book! You can track her progress and learn more about her by clicking the button below.
#WriteHiveCosplay Conest

Along with bragging rights, our amazing #WriteHiveCosplay contest winner received a free Emotional Thesaurus from us!
We hope the book comes in handy as you're writing your characters, and we hope you'll come back for WriteHive 2021 to defend your title!
Scroll through to see the other amazing cosplays!

Breakin' Records!

WriteHive 2020 wasn't just the first online writing convention for the #WritingCommunity. It was also a massive event. According to the latest published statistics, WriteHive is the BIGGEST pure writing convention in North America!
We don't have the stats on the rest of the globe, but that could also mean we're the biggest in the whole world!
Over 800 people attended WriteHive 2020, and we hope to break that record next year for sure!
WriteHive 2020 Archives
WriteHive isn't like regular conventions. We don't just leave you hanging for a year. If you missed any of the amazing events during WriteHive 2020, don't worry. We got you. Below is a full list of every event and a recording. Kick back, relax, and enjoy WriteHive 2020 on your own time.
Click a button to go!
Fanfic Forever!
Fanfiction is perhaps one of the most underrated writing genres out there--but why should it be? It has plenty of merits, not the least of which are its voracious fanbase and its prolific writers! This panel is meant to celebrate fanfiction, as well as dig into what it takes to make great fanfic.
Fantasy as Social Commentary
Since its earliest days, genre fiction has been a means to talk about our world... by talking about another world. Fantasy, of course, has its roots in reality. Check out this awesome panel, featuring renowned fantasy author Andy Peloquin (author of The Silent Champions and Hero of Darkness series, among others), talking about how we can use fantasy to speak on big issues facing our real world.
Whether you believe in them or not, ghostwriters exist. In fact, a lot of them use ghostwriting as an excellent way to pay the bills, practice their skills, and learn the industry. So if you've ever been curious about ghostwriting and what goes into it, check out this panel! Maybe we can make you a believer!
Heroic Villains and Villainous Heroes
The times are changing! These days, readers and viewers are interested in seeing more than just the typical "good guy/bad guy" dynamic. Morally gray characters, antiheroes, and team-switching are becoming more popular in fiction. Check out this panel, featuring fantasy authors Andy Peloquin, Jesse Pohlman, and KD Edwards, to learn about these characters, how to write them, and why they matter.
LGBTQ+ Representation
in Fiction
Representation can be tricky. There are a lot of facets to representing marginalized or underrepresented groups in our works of fiction. How do we navigate this terrain to ensure that what we're doing is adding value to the overall discussion instead of causing harm? Learn more from writers and members of the LGBTQ+ community on this panel!
LIVe: WriteHive Book Club w/ J.R.H. Lawless
Each month, our Patrons get an ebook from one of our amazing partners, as well as an exclusive author interview. This month, during the con, the interview is for everyone! Our Asst. Executive Coordinator, Tyler Zeoli, sits down with Always Greener author J.R.H Lawless for a live interview! Listen in to learn why James Dashner (The Mazerunner Series) calls J.R.H.'s work "as clever as it is hilarious, as profound as it is captivating."
Making the Most
of Critique Groups
Critique groups are an absolutely invaluable resource for authors and writers looking to enhance their skill. But navigating them can be tricky. Check out this panel for a discussion on how to get the most out of your critique group, including etiquette tips.
MG, YA, NA, Adult... What's the Difference?
Middle Grade, New Adult, Young Adult, Teenage Fiction... there are a lot of genres marketing to people in the tween-to-teenage range. Some of those terms overlap, some have distinctions all their own, and some might be downright offensive! Check out this panel to learn how to distinguish these genres from one another, which will help you market (and write!) more effectively!
Mental Health and Writing
Writing can be a really emotional experience. I can be draining, uplifting, used as therapy... it might even be harmful. Navigating the emotional impact writing has can be difficult when you're so close to your work. Check out this panel to learn techniques for recognizing and managing that impact in yourself.
NSFW: Not Safe for Work
NSFW = Not Safe for Work! Not all stories can be told in public. Sometimes, writing involves some explicit content. Sexual themes, illicit drug use, and excessive violence are just some of the things that can make your work NSFW. But just being NSFW doesn't make your story less legitimate. In fact, it might make it more fun! Check out this panel to learn how to write quality NSFW material!
Somebody ring the bell! The age-old debate is going LIVE. In this panel discussion, writers from across the plotting/pantsing spectrum will discuss their writing process. Come on in, root for your team, and perhaps discover that we have more in common than we like to admit.
Romance, HEA, and Reader Expectations
Romance is--and always has been--the biggest market in the literary community. And for a lot of good reasons! But for an old genre, romance sure has pushed the envelope over the years! Check out this panel to learn about setting and managing reader expectations to ensure the right readership is loving your book.
Science in Science Fiction,
by Scientists!
One of the hardest things about writing science fiction is, well... the science! Not all of us are astrophysicists and biochemists. But some of us are! Check out this amazing panel from real scientists as they discuss how to write convincing science into your fiction!
​Scheduling Your Muse
It's easy to write when inspiration strikes. But that doesn't always happen. Writing is work, and sometimes you need to tell your muse to sit down next to you and quit being so fleeting. This panel, hosted by the No Sleep 'Til Bookdun crew--a collective of writers who focus on keeping motivation and finishing work--is a must-watch for those of us who need a little discipline in our process!
Tech-Savvy Writing
Writing--as an activity and as a business--has come a long way since the Internet boom. Authors can self-publish books, make covers, create websites, format their novels, and outline with software that didn't exist even five years ago. As trends move toward tech, it's important to understand what tech to use AND how to use it. Check out this panel for tips on getting tech-savvy!
YA Fantasy: Magic & Wonder
The Young Adult market is HUGE, and it's growing by the day. YA Fantasy has taken off as one of the breakout genres of our time. When working with such a voracious and imaginative readership, how do authors in this genre keep things interesting? Fly into his panel and explore the wisdom found in it!
Agent Secrets
Cue the secret agent theme music! Check out this amazing presentation by Laurie McLean, founding partner of Fuse Literary and Director of San Francisco Writing Conference! Laurie is going to give you some of the juiciest secrets about agents (and maybe the double lives they live). You don't want to miss this one!
w/ Cass Kim
Get first hand tips and tricks for creating an anthology from Cass Kim, indie author and creator of the Amazon best selling anthology “Autumn Nights: 13 Spooky Fall Reads.” Cass gives an honest look at self publishing on Amazon through KDP and highlights key information to make anthology creation easier. From timelines to marketing- she shares lessons learned and recommendations for managing multiple authors.
Bite-Size Your Novel
Writing a novel can be a major undertaking! But don't worry! Award-winning author and amazing writing teacher Stephanie King is here to help you out! Check out this presentation to learn from Stephanie how to break your novel into more manageable chunks, thereby improving both the speed and quality of your writing!
Build Your World
w/ Julie Czerneda
There's worldbuilding and then there's world-building. Julie Czerneda is a specialist in both. She hand-crafted her fictional world in model size, down to every detail, so she could picture it when she wrote. Check out this amazing presentation to see how she did and how you can too!
Creative Writing Energy
The folks at Creative Writing Energy are masters of unlocking the higher creative mind and tapping into a space of useful, powerful, creative energy. During this presentation, they share techniques to help you do just that so you can finally break out of that rut you've been, overcome those difficult writing problems, or just write a little more. Check it out!
Fireside Chat: Agent & Author
Literary agent Sara Megibow sits down with her client, KD Edwards, to discuss the relationship between agent and author. Check out this absolutely amazing conversation to see how these different professions work together and, hopefully, dispel some of your anxiety about it!
How to Land a Literary Agent w/ Sam Hiyate
We've got a few events on how agents work, but all that advice is useless if you don't know how to get an agent! Esteemed literary agent Sam Hiyate is ready to give you everything he knows! Usually, Sam gives this kind of advice in pay-to-attend workshops. For WriteHive, he and the team at So You Wanna Write? are offering to you free of charge! You'll want to check this out for sure!
Mania Podcast
w/ Harlequin Grim
What a special (and spooky) treat! Harlequin Grim presents the inner workings behind his podcast, Mania. Influenced by his work as an undertaker, he delves into topics of villains, novel expressions of the horror genre, and how macabre stories can revolutionise our world view for the better. If you enjoy horror, philosophy, or podcasts, you will not want to miss this.
Money Matters
w/ Robin Sullivan
Hosted by Robin Sullivan, the wife and manager of Michael J. Sullivan. (Yes, that Michael J. Sullivan -- bestselling sci-fi and epic fantasy author of The Legends of the First Empire series, The Riyria Chronicles, Hollow World, and Greener Grass!) Robin has been in the business a long time, and she's seen everything there is to see. She wants to talk to you about the business of writing for a living. Money matters, and Robin is here to tell you exactly why (and how to manage it well)! Don't miss this!
Writing Your Disaster
w/ C. Pearce
We all love a good post-apocalypse story! Modern stories in this genre are using nuclear tragedies as a jumping-off point. But are we writing these scenarios correctly? Join our resident HAZMAT expert as she talks nuclear winter, supervolcanoes, pandemics, the science of radiation, and much more!
The Art of Querying
w/ ayana gray
Querying can be one of the biggest hurdles to success in the traditional publishing world. A lot of people struggle with it. Good news, though: YA fantasy author and 2019 Pitch Wars Mentor Ayana Gray is here to help you out! Settle in for this informative presentation on querying and how to make the most of your queries! This one is sure to help you succeed!
Building a Writing
Business Plan
Being an author -- indie, self-published, traditionally published, or otherwise -- is half a creative endeavor and half a business. Work directly with science fiction author and blogger Holly Ash to create a business plan that will help you reach the highest levels of success... whatever that might mean for you! You don't want to miss this!
Creating Characters
We all love great characters... but how do we write them? Check out this workshop from Arnout Brokking, designed to help you take your characters to brand new depths! Pretty soon, you'll be crafting memorable, engaging characters every time you write!
Perfect Pitch Workshop
Pitches can be really hard to get right, but a great pitch can make the difference between selling your novel and not. Join this workshop to hammer out the kinks in your pitch (or design one if you don't have a pitch yet!). By the time you're done with this workshop, you'll be pitch-perfect.
Query Letters Workshop
This workshop is designed to help you perfect your query letters. Writers don't usually like to write these, but getting them right is essential if you want to find a traditional deal. So, jump into this workshop and make your query everything you wanted it to be! (You can thank us when you're signing that contract!)
Writing Combat Workshop
Combat! It's crucial to a good action story. And if you get it wrong, you might lose readers. Don't worry. We brought in an expert. Jump into this workshop, featuring author of The Lightning Rod and military veteran C.S. Ratliff, as he helps you write combat scenes that jump right off the page and punch you in the face.
Writing Mechanics 101
Sometimes you've got to drill down on the basics. We can take the fundamentals for granted, but practicing them is crucial if we want to keep improving! This panel is for those with lots of experience and those just getting started. Learn from the best on how to really nail those foundational writing mechanics.