Hey Hivemind!
Woohoo! We've been teasing the WriteHive Sponsored Artist Program for a while now, and we've received a lot of questions about how to apply, what to do, and where to go. Well, we're very excited to announce: we have your answers!
For those who don't know, the WriteHive Sponsored Artist Program is a major part of this community and one of the crowning reasons behind our convention in April. We want to bring people together, yes. But we also want to empower those people.
At the end of our convention, we're giving a huge chunk of our collected donations (everything we didn't use for administrative costs) to an author in need. As of this very moment, 11 February 2020, $313.44 has been added to the sponsorship fund. Following our earnings report later this month, we expect that number to be way closer to $400. That's $400 someone could put toward editing expenses, cover design, formatting, and more!
But who gets the money?
Well, maybe you!
Along with our recent site overhaul, we've uploaded the application form for the Sponsored Artist Program. If you've got the finished first draft of an unpublished manuscript and you could use the help, head on over to our Sponsored Artist Program page and check out the rules/application. There is no barrier to entry. (You know how we roll.) Simply read and follow the instructions. Simple as that!
We're looking forward to the applications! But, most of all, we're looking forward to helping someone. We hope that's you. The deadline to apply is April 1st, so don't hesitate. Fill out that application!
Buzz buzz.
The WriteHive Team